Daily Deal Pros is pleased to announce a very exciting feature that gives Publishers on the Daily Deal Pros Platform the ability to extend their reach as far as they can imagine. Not only can our publishers run their deals and offers on their own customized daily deal platform, but also within Facebook or beyond.
Daily Deal Pros has implemented a true and accurate Affiliate Program along with the banner advertisements, capable of tracking as many affiliates as the Publisher wishes to create. Through this tracking, our Publishers know how much of a response is created from ads that are placed. Daily Deal Pros is tracking both impressions and the number clicks for each and every ad placed. This allows our Publishers to decide where to best place ads that create the highest response rate and generate the most revenue. A convenient reporting suite is available for Publishers that allows accurate and real time analytics of all banner ad placements.
A convenient feature of our Banner and Affiliate program is we’ve taken the liberty to create about a dozen different banner ads or text only links that can be selected and placed, similar to a widget, anywhere online or even as email signatures.
Below is a simple example of one of our publishers, SweetBees.com. This image is updated when a new deal is available, while leaving the same code in place on the website the ad is placed on.
About Daily Deal Pros, Inc: Daily Deal Pros, Inc is a white label, group buying software platform which is fully hosted and managed for non-profit organizations, schools, sports organizations, charities radio stations and newspapers. These groups are able to brand/customize the design of their site to fit their target audience. Daily Deal Pros, Inc provides all support and software updates while providing the control and administration of the site to the publisher. Daily Deal Pros, Inc is also affiliate based, meaning that any publisher can have an unlimited number of affiliate (sub) sites, with central management in one location. For more information about Daily Deal Pros, Inc, visit http://www.dailydealpros.com.