Daily Deal Pros is pleased to announce our new and extension to our Daily Deal Site Software: Coupons. Many of our Publishers talk to many different Merchants each and every day. Some of those Merchant’s aren’t quite ready to send a Daily Deal, but most are comfortable with certain coupons for their business. The problem with the current coupon print/platforms is there is no track-ability at all, unless you consider counting coupons at the end of the day tracking.
Daily Deal Pros has solved this dilemma with our new coupon platform. Not only can a Merchant gain considerable exposure with our current deal of the day subscribers, but then can now track each and every coupon that comes through the door. The Merchant will be able to see impressions, clicks/prints, redemption numbers, revenue generated from that direct coupon but also revenues earned in the future because of that coupon.
This platform is actually a simple add-on (bolt-on if you will) to the technology that Daily Deal Pros already has. Check back often to see our progress and to catch a glimpse of what’s to come!