About a year and a half ago, Daily Deal Pros (not DDP at the time) decided to get into the deal of the day business. We were expanding upon our at the time software model to tie cause related organizations to consumers. We wanted to be quick to market so we talked to most of the big daily deal providers that we could find. Unfortunately, we found only one thing to be consistent in their models: They only cared about producing the same product for everyone. They had absolutely no intentions on customizations we felt were required to be successful.
At the time, we knew the deal space was already crowded. There were some reports that estimated the number of daily deal companies to be over 1000 in the United States alone. It was blatantly obvious that we were not going to be first to market with anything with so much competition already prevalent. However we didn’t want to be the same as everyone else. We wanted to provide something more to the business owners and the buying public. We wanted to expand upon our already existing cause-related model. Since we were unsuccessful at finding any daily deal white label provider that could manage our needs, we decided to develop it ourselves.
Now, Daily Deal Pros is becoming a recognized leader in the market with little press and media attention. Our daily deal solution is at the top of the market and is rich with many features that the big guys don’t and won’t consider.
We’re sure you’ll be impressed with what we came up with for the Daily Deal Pros software solution. Check out some of our software features or feel free to get a hold of us for a demo.